Tips on Selling Your Home Profitably

In today’s “buyer’s market” real estate market conditions, homebuyers can afford to be picky and demanding about what they look for in a home. If you are planning to sell your home and hope to make the most out of it in terms of both money and satisfaction, there are a few things you will need to do.

First, you will need to make sure your home is in top condition before you sell it. You may need to make some minor repairs to ensure that everything is in order and that nothing leaks or is faulty. It is best to consult an expert before going about this. You want to make sure that you are making only cost-effective repairs that will add value to your property and make buyers want to purchase it. Calculate how much the repairs will cost and compare it with how much value it will add onto your home. Remember that today’s buyer only has a limited amount of money to spend on a home, so they will be extra careful about how they spend it. They want to make sure they are buying a property that won’t require them to spend a lot of extra money on repairs and fixing it up.

Be sure to clean your house from top to bottom before selling it. De-clutter and stage it to make it look cozier and more attractive. Statistics show that properly staged homes sell faster and for more money than homes that have not been staged prior to selling. You may choose to stage your home yourself, but consider hiring a professional home stager if you have the means, as doing so can get you the best results.

Make sure the asking price on your home is competitive with other homes on the market in your neighborhood. The asking price on a home is mainly determined by the law of supply and demand, so sellers have little to no control over this. Enlist the help of your agent to ensure accuracy.

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