How to Stage Your Home for Sale

Beyond decorating and cleaning, home staging is an art, and has become a crucial part of the home selling process. The aim is to create a lasting first impression on potential buyers, so that your house stands out in their memory and so they can envision making it their home. If you plan to stage your home yourself before sale, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Remember that not everyone has the same taste when it comes to a house’s color palette or decorating style. Just because you love the current lime green color of your walls doesn’t mean that everyone else will, too. The key is to neutralize. If the color scheme of a home is too loud or flashy, it may make it difficult for potential buyers to visualize themselves and their belongings in the house.

Remove all clutter and excess furniture or pieces that are too big. The aim to is to show off how much space there is in your home, so you need to make sure the corners of each room are seen, and that whatever items you decide to keep on display complement the space, instead of giving viewers the impression that there isn’t enough room for things and that the house is bursting at the seams.

Pay attention to the small details and replace things like dated or worn fixtures and drapery and window treatments. These are the simplest and least costly upgrades you can make on your home, yet they can make a world of difference on the appearance of your house, and even add considerable value to it.

Don’t rush out to put your house on the market before it’s presentable. Selling your property requires strategic thinking. Identify the competition, then make your house look better than the others on the market. These days, buyers are impressed by care and attention to detail on the part of the seller, and if a house is “move-in ready”, it means less work for them and possibly a better offer for you.

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