Why Listings Expire and some Homes don’t Sell

Expired listings aren’t hard to understand, but they can be difficult to deal with because of the emotions they evoke. Most listing realtors feel really bad for several reasons when one of their listings doesn’t sell. They may feel bad because they feel as if they’ve let their clients down, because they may have tried many different things over the course of many months to attract buyers to no avail, and/or because they may have invested money in the marketing of a property without earning anything in return.

The fact of the matter is, though both you and your realtor may (understandably) feel bad about not selling, at the end of the day, your energy would be best spent on understanding why your home didn’t sell instead of placing the blame on anyone.

To make a long story short, the reason why your home didn’t sell is most likely because in the eyes of your potential buyers, it just wasn’t worth the price you were asking for it.

What you need to do now is decide whether you want to:
a) Forget about selling your property,
b) Make your house right for the price you’re asking, or
c) Make the price right for the house you’re offering.

Bear in mind that the major things that turn buyers off are an unrealistic asking price, a home that doesn’t show well, a home that doesn’t smell good, and a home that is too difficult to show.

These are things you and your realtor can think about and work on if you decide to keep trying to sell your home. Remember, any free market demands accountability, and what you’re offering has to be worth what you’re asking or else it won’t sell!

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